
Dental Treatment


If you are considering dental treatment in Turkey, you may wonder, “Is Turkish dentistry good?”. 

There is no doubt that Turkey is an international leader in dental procedures and dental implants. Thousands of people seek dental treatment from Turkish dentists every year to improve their smiles. Dental check-ups are preferred for some people to maintain their oral health.

Dentists are the backbone and the driving force behind this multibillion-dollar industry. However, some might be concerned about the quality. What is the quality and ability of Turkish dentists compared to those in other countries? 

As part of the Western civilization, Turkey began studying dental sciences during the 19th and 20th centuries, especially following some of the most advanced European countries’ standards.

The Turkish Dental Association is responsible for the supervision of clinics and dentists in the country.

Contact us about any dental treatment you need.

Common Dental Treatments in Turkey


Dental Implants

Replacement tooth roots are called dental implants. Implants replaces your natural teeth with permanent or removable replacements.


Smile Makeover

With a smile makeover, your teeth and gums can be improved in appearance and health.


Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin, tooth-colored shell attached to a tooth’s surface. They are typically made from porcelain or resin-composite materials.


Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” fitted over the surface of the tooth. Basically, it’s a snug hat for your teeth. Using a crown, a tooth can remain in shape, size, strength, and appearance.


Teeth Whitening

The term “whitening” refers to any process that will make teeth appear whiter than they already are. The most common method of whitening your teeth is through bleaching or using non-bleaching whitening agents.


Dental Bridges

The purpose of a dental bridge is to bridge a gap in your mouth. Replacement of a missing tooth involves bonding a false tooth to the natural teeth on either side of the gap.

We Cooperate with the Best Dental Clinics in Turkiye